Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Seeds, Nuts and Grains

Seeds, Nuts and Grains – These are the most important and the most potent of all foods and contain all the essential nutrients needed for human growth. They contain the germ, the reproductive power which is of vital important for the lives of human beings and their health. Millet, wheat, oats, barley, brown rice, beans and peas are all highly valuable in building health and beauty. All seeds, nuts, grains and legumes can be sprouted, and should be taken in that form as much as possible as they constitute live foods. There is an amazing increase in nutrients in sprouted foods when compared to their dried embryo. So potent are the sprouts that if one lives only on a mixture of these foods, one would have everything one needs for health and long lasting beauty. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts, and Soya beans contain complete proteins of high biological value.

Seeds, nuts and grains are excellent natural sources of essential unsaturated fatty acids necessary for health and true beauty. They are also good sources of lecithin and most of the B vitamins as well as vitamin C, which is perhaps the most important vitamin for the preservation of health and preservation of premature aging. They are also rich sources of minerals and auxins, the natural substances that play an important role in the rejuvenation of cells and prevention of premature aging.

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