Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Natural Foods As Beauty Aids

There is a wide range of natural foods fruits, vegetables, pulses, nuts, seeds, honey and milk and other products which are of great cosmetic value. They can be benefically used as beauty aids. Some of the important foodstuffs which can be used in this manner are described herein in brief.


Apple (Seb) : Apple is one of the best fruits to tone a weak and run down condition of the human system. Its regular consumption with milk promotes health and youthfulness and helps build beautiful and bright skin.

Apple is also valuable in keeping teeth in good condition and good teeth are an important part of one's health and appearance. Tooth decay can be prevented by regular consumption of this fruit as it possesses a mouth cleaning property. Taken after meals, it has the same effect as a tooth brush in cleaning the teeth. In addition, the acid contents of the apple promote the flow of saliva in the mouth and exerts influence upon the germs.

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