Saturday, December 6, 2008

Methods Of Exercise

Several systems of exercise have been developed over the years, the most popular among them being the Swedish system and yoga asanas, the latter having been practised from ancient times. Whichever systems one chooses to adopt, the exercises should be performed systematically, regularly and under proper guidance.

To be really useful, exercise should be taken in such a manner as to bring into action all the muscles of the body in a natural way. Walking is one such exercise. It is the most efficiant exercise for improving overall firness. It uses more muscles in a continuous, uniform action than most other forms of exercise and it remains accessible to everyone throughout life. A regular walking programme can help one lose weight, give more energy and tone flabby muscles. It can help prevent heart disease, alleviate mental depression and ease some of the pain of arthritis as well as reverse some of the physical aspects of ageing. This form of exercise is, several kilometres in a brisk manner to constitute a fair amount of exercise. Other forms of good exercise are swimming, cycling, horseriding, tennis, etc.

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