Thursday, September 18, 2008

Care For Finger Nails

Like the hair, nails are composed of keratin which is formeed mainly from protein and calcium. Therefore a diet rich in these two nutrients is an essential part of healthy nails. Nails that are in poor condition are indicative of poor general health.

Like the hands, the fingers nails are constanly subsjected to abuse. So any hand care programe should incorporate the nails. They will benefit from regular incorporate the nails. They will benefit from regular applications of a rich moisturizer such as a night cream.

An orange stick tipped with cotton wool should be used to clean beneath the nails. An orange stick should be used to gently shape the cuticles, to avoid breaking of the skin. The best time to shape the cuticles is after the hands have been in water, as it softnes the skin and makes the cuticles ready for shaping. Alternatively, the fingers can be soaked in a little vegetable oil, or in warm water and herbal shmpoo for a few minutes.

Drinking cider vinegar each day is believed to help strengthen the nails, as well as beaing good for general health. A tablespoon of the vinear should be taken in a glass of water three times a day before meals.

A useful remedy for keeping the hands young and beautiful is to dip them upto the wrist, in a bowl of milk. Then blot and apply three tablespoons of lanolin mixed with one tablespoon of sesame oil (til) on the hands and wrists. This should be done once a week.
Exercising the hands helps to make them flexible and improves circulation. The following exercises many be done, repeating them six to ten times.
1. Clench your fists tightly for a second. Then throw open the fingers as wide as possible.
2. Put your hands out in front of you, palm down. Press the fingers tightly against each other and then thrust them apart as wide as possile.
3. Allow the hands to be limp and relaxed. Then rotate them from the wrists in circles, first clockwise and then anti-clockwise.

If the hands are tired, soak them for a few minutes in warm water, to which about two or three tablespoons of salt have been added. This helps to soothe them. Another treatment which stimulates circulation is to soak the hands alternatively in hot and cold water. This also soothes the nerve ending.

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