Sunday, August 24, 2008

Premature Greying of Hair

The hair has a tendency to lose its natural colour with advancing age. It is therefore natural for the hair to turn grey with age. But premature greying is a morbid condition and it makes even the young look order.

Faulty diet and worries are the two primary causes of premature greying of hair. It is mainly due to the lack of some of the B vitamins, of iron, copper and iodine in the daily daily diet that leads to his hair disorder at a young age. Worries produce an extraordinary tension in the skin of the scalp which interferes with the supply of vital nutrition necessary for the health of hair. Similarly, anxieties, fear, jealousy and failures have adverse effects on the hair. They dry out the scalpular marrow, the vital sap at the root of the hair.

Other causes for premature greying of hair are the unclean condition of the scalp which weakens the roots of the hair as the pores are blocked by the collected dirt; washing the hair with hot water and drying it with electric dryers which emit a blast of hot air; use of hairdyes when the hair has just started greying; diseases like chronic cold, sinusitis, anaemia, chronic constipation; and the use of factory-made hair hair oils, which are generally cleaned with acids which have a tendency to remain in the oil. Heredity is yet another predisposing factor which gives rise to this ailment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jennifer, thanks for the info on premature greying hair , Once of my cousin too has this problem, your post helps us to find some solution for that...., mmmmm, Cheers thanks a lot.

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