Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The natural way to glossy hair.

Lovely, shining hair is one of the greatest assets of a woman's beauty. It is considered a vital lement of sex appeal. The most important factor for healthy condition of the hair is to ensure that the bosy is supplied with all the essential nutrients. The advice contained in chapter 2on "Diet for natural beauty" applies equally to hair.

There are, however, certain nutrients which are of particular importance to health of the hair. the vitamins of B group, especially pantothenic acid, influence hair growth, oil production and colour. An adequate supply of these vitamins is thus essential. Vitamins A and C also play an important role in the production of healthy hair, and vitamin E encourages hair growth by carrying oxygen to the hair roots. To ensure an adequate intake of the essential fatty acids, it is advisable to include two teaspoons of sunflower or safflower oil in the daily diet. Since the hair is made from keratin, the diet should include adequate quantities of protein in the form of daily products, pulses and nuts. Of the minerals, zinc, copper, iron and iodine are essential to healthy hair. Copper is adequately available in food. Good sources of iron are liver, kidneys, whole grains, and molasses. The only foods that contain appreciable quantities of iodine are sea foods.

The hair, like the skin, is affected not only by diet and health, but also by tension. In a person whi is tense, the muscles at the base of the neck are constricted, and this impedes the flow of blood to the scalp, resulting in weak hair growth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nutrients are of vital importance to the health of the hair. I think a big damaging factor is the use of chemical processes too. Yuck. I've been using natural henna for a few years now, and it's so much better for the hair. I like your thoughts on neck tension as well. Stress kills.

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