Sunday, October 5, 2008

Natural Remedies

Many diets are prescribed for the overweight to enable them to reduce. Some of these diets are so severe and extreme that are likely to be more determental to health than being overweight. Crash diets which severely restrict food intake or exclude all but one or two items are injurious to health, irrespective of the seriousness of the problem of obesity. Not only is the health likely to suffer but the person adhering to such a diet likely to put on many of those lost kilos back again after resumption of normal eating habits.

Another risk with most diets is that in cutting down on the amount of food, they drastically reduce the intake of vital nutrients and this may lead to tiredness and irritability. The only sensible way to lose weight and to maintain that weight loss is to follow a carefully planned course of dietetic treatment, in conjunction with suitable exercise and other measures for promoting good health.The chief consideration in this teatment should be the balanced selection of foods which provide the maximum essential nutrients with the least number of calories.

begin with, the patient should undertake a juice fast for seven to ten days. Juices of lemon, grapefruit, orange, pineapple cabbage and carrots may be taken during this period. A longer juice fast upto 40 days can also be undertaken but only under expert guidance and supervision. Alternatively, short juice fasts should be repeated at regular intervals of two months or so till the desired reduction in weight is achieved.

After the juice fast, the patient should spend the next four of five days on an all-fruit diet, taking three meals of fresh juicy fruits such orange, grapefruit, pineapple and papaya. Thereafter, he may gradually start on a low calorie, well balanced diet of whole grains, vegetables and fruits, with emphasis on raw fruits, vegetables and fresh juices.

The foods which should be drastically curtailed or altogether avoided are high-fat foods such as butter, cheese, chocolate, cream, ice-cream, fatty meats, fried foods and gravies; foods high in carbohydrates like breab, candy, cakes, cookies, cereal products, legumes, potatoes, honey, sugar, syrup and rich puddings; beverages such as aerated drinks and alcohol.

Tea and coffee should be eliminated completely. If this is not possible. they should be restricted to one or two cups a day. Heebal teas can be taken as they do not contain calories provided no sweetener is added. lemon juice also acts as a diuretic and can be taken for this purpose first thing in the morning with hot water. Having something to drink half-an-hour before a meal also helps to take the edge off your appetite. Skimmed milk should be used in place of whole milk as this is much lower in calorie. If some snack needs to be eaten between meals, raw fruits or vegetables are preferable to biscuits and cakes. All foods should be cooked carefully to retain maximum nutrient content, without increasing the calories. This means eating raw or steamed vegetables. Nutritious but high calorie foods, such as nuts, hard cheese, commercial fruits, yoghurt and avocado pears, should be avoided. Lots of salad should be included in the diet as they are low in calories and a good source of vitamins and minerals.

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